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Sunday, June 28, 2009

The beginning of the end of my breastfeeding journey

I want to blog about this before it all comes to an end...

The last time Sean latched on was on his birthday, 11 June. Thereafter, it was a major challenge trying to get him to do so.

When finally, he managed to be coaxed into it, he bit me.

And I bled.

There had already been a few times before when he did so, but I had luckily managed to escape unscathed.

But this time, it's for real and seeing how my poor nipple suffered, I thought, perhaps this is it.

Maybe this time, Sean is going to wean himself for sure.

I was taken depressed to be honest. I know it is still possible to latch him on even if he had bitten. I looked up the web and there are tons of advice to prevent him from doing so again.

Call me cowardly, but I simply cannot bear the pain again. The very thought of Sean bitting again sends shivers down my spine, and chest.

Yes, I am indeed cowardly.

And so, it has been 2 long weeks since Sean latched on, and eventually, my milk supply has decreased.

I am still pumping 3 times daily, for about an hour each session.

From the good old days of yielding about 1500 ml per day, I would be more than elated now to produce about 800ml a day.

My breastfeeding journey has not been smooth-sailing.

Right from the first day, Sean had difficulties latching on. His tongue will be sticking upwards rather than down to take in the breast, and even if he did finally managed to latch on, he is a lazy feeder such that 5 minutes into suckling, he would doze off.

Giving him a full feed via the breast has never been easy for me.

I cried for days like a mad cow when Sean rejects my breast. I felt like a total failure thinking that Sean hates them. I thought Sean would never be able to bond with me. Secretly, I envy mothers who are able to total breastfeed their baby. And on the very occasional moments when I get to breastfeed Sean under a shawl in the nursing room in Takashimaya, I felt a surreal moment of pride, as if announcing to the world that, "Look at me! I am BREASTFEEDING my baby! Call me Queen!".

But alas, these moments proved to be rather few.

And so, I have been expressing milk, right from the very first day.

I have never really anticipated that this would be how I will be feeding Sean mostly, as all along, my impression and goal is to TOTAL breastfeed him. However, this was not really meant to be.

From the Medela swing, to the manual Avent pump, we decided it's best to get a twin pump, so that time can be saved and yield can be more.

So we got the Medela Mini Electric.

It got me through days of hard pumping.

For the first 6 months or so, I sat through 4-5 sessions of pumping, each lasting about an hour per day.

The first thing I do upon waking, I express milk.

The last thing I do before turing in, I express milk.

To say that I was living like a cow was an understatement.

And how about the painful engorgement, the blocked ducts that gave me migraines?

Everytime they came on, I get stressed and frustrated.

Plus you choose a top that you can fit nicely into, only to realise that it's bursting at the seams a couple of hours later, rendering you looking dangerously like a hulk.

And the restrictions that came along with the pumping schedule?

Well, the longest we can stay out of home is about 4 hours, after which, we will have to rush home to express.

I kept to this tight schedule for the first half a year to keep up with supply.

Sean did latch on every now and then, but he would only do so when he's about to doze off. He would kick up a major fuss when I try to breastfeed him when he's awake.

In short, he prefers to be fed by the bottle.

After the first 6 months, I switched to a 3 times daily pumping schedule. This has helped ease up time more. On a rare occasion or two, I would pump in the nursing room in the shopping mall, but I have always felt rather inhibited doing so out of the home, so it was mostly not a convenient option to me.

Soon the Medela twin pump died. The motor just gave up. I think I have abused it far too much.

So since then, I have been managing with the Swing on one side, and the manual Avent on the other. Weird I know.

Throughout the past 12+ months, everytime we bring Sean out, we will lug along a vacuum flask of hot water and fridge-on-the-go with ice packs and bottles of breastmilk. This is a heavy load that my poor Steve has to manage ever so often.

And I am proud to say that, all the way through, Sean had had only 2 feeds of formula, when my breastmilk supply has yet to kick in.

All along, Sean has been a small feeder. Since birth, the most he can manage has been 800ml a day.

Now, he is taking average only about 650ml a day, of course on top of his 3 meals.

I am fortunate that everyone around me has been supportive of Sean feeding on breastmilk exclusively. My parents, my mother-in-law, even the confinement lady, all of them are pro-breastfeeding and has been encouraging, never once telling me that Sean should take formula milk for more vitamins, or that I should give Sean water on top of breastmilk.

I am grateful.

When I switched to 3 times pumping schedule, we bought a tin of Similac formula to standby, just in case my supply decide to just disappear.

Luckily it didn't, and so that tin of Similac remains intact.

Just 2 weeks ago, we bought a tin of Enfapro+ in preparation for introducing formula milk to Sean.

To date, it is still unopened.

You know what. I felt so guilty that day, placing the tin of milk powder into the shopping trolley.

It's as if I am letting Sean down by giving him something other than breastmilk.

But this day has got to come ultimately. And I think it will be soon.

Moreover, now that Sean is standing up so much and learning to walk, I can't expect him to be contained for about an hour in his cot when I pump away. This boy is so curious with everything now that he gets bored so easily.

On so many occasions, I tear when I think about the day when I finally have to wean Sean. When ultimately, I have to put down those expressing equipments and keep them away. It's bizarre. But I suppose the one most important thing that I will not bear to let go, is the fact of knowing that I am feeding Sean with the best nutrition that nothing else will ever replace.

"Think about our second child. He/she will need them (boobs) too, so perhaps it's really time to give them a break.".

My hubby said to me.

I have been reluctant, but I think I am ready to agree with him on this.

I am still going to express 3 times a day, maybe until Sean is 13 months old. Then when I reduce it to 2 times daily, I'm sure my supply will dwindle to such a miserable amount that it would finally be the opening ceremony for that tin of formula milk.

I want to salute to all mothers who have been and are still giving their children breastmilk. It has always been said that breastfeeding is easy and will be a breeze once you get the hang of it. Well, yes it is. But I'm sure the difficulties that come along with giving your children the best in the world can sometimes be abit too hard to bear.

I hope Sean have benefitted loads from the past 1 year+ of breastmilk from his moo-mie me.

Some facts to record this journey down:

- calculating all together, assuming I expressed average 1 litre of milk a day, till now, I would have yielded about 380 litres of milk! That's about 1600 cups, 800 pints, or 100 gallons!

- if Sean consumes only about 700ml a day, I would have stored 300 ml of milk daily. That means I've stored about 113 litres of milk in the freezer today! But breastmilk can last only about 3 months, that means I've discarded at least 84 litres of precious stuff!

- fenugreek supplements does increase breastmilk alot. But I think they gave me blocked ducts as well. The situation went away the moment I stopped taking them.

- the milk that has to be discarded are sometimes used as a footbath. And the feet certainly felt smoother after, very luxurious!

- I didn't take alot of tonics during my confinement as I felt some of them actually reduced milk supply. Whereas sashimi does the right opposite, super booster for production!

Pictures of some proud moments, at least to me....

The milk stash in the fridge

The stand-alone freezer we got for more milk!

Drawers and drawers of liquid gold

Precious milk that Sean has been feeding on

Unopened, untouched. But soon to be replacing the good stuff...haiz.

The glorious days of being the Star moo-moo cow, and the books of the production line.

Sean surely looking immensely bored and wanting to get out while I'm expressing milk.

"Get me out of here now!"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Not in the best of mood

I think I have forgotten how it feels to have a proper conversation with an adult.

Steve is all right, no doubt.

But, it seems all we do now is have our meals together, and smile at each other looking at Sean.

I'm not complaining.

But you may think I have the perfect life, but there certainly is something lacking somewhere.

I really, really need to re-assess myself.

I really need to find my voice again.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My son has a very good father

He specially took leave so that I can go to the salon to highlight my hair.

Gave me a surprise gift for my birthday.

Bought me a new dress to wear to a wedding dinner after I complained that I couldn't fit into any of my old ones cos of my boobs.

Bought noodles for me late at night as a replacement for my birthday "mee suah".

Gave me such a beautiful son.

I love my son's father very, very much.

Happy Father's Day,
my big baby boy.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sean's 1st Birthday

After all the thinking, we've decided that Sean's 1st birthday would be a family affair.

A nice, simple, quiet one with just his daddy and mummy.

And so off we went to Rasa Sentosa for 3 days 2 nights.

It was my first ever long-short trip away from home for the last 2 years, and boy was I really looking forward to it.

Ok ok, this was supposed to be a double birthday celebration for both the boy and me, so my kind hubby specially organised this for us.

Love you hubs.

Bringing along a 1 year old for a getaway was an experience! First of all, the logistics was a definite challenge. Because I still am Sean's dairy cow, we have to bring along all the pumping equipment, sterilser, ice packs, bottles etc.

On top of that, a mini-fridge cos there will be quite some milk.

Then there is his playpen, cos we wouldn't want to use the one provided by the hotel for hygiene purposes.

Then his toys, to replicate the same sleeping environment for Sean.

And his diapers.

And the slow-cooker to prepare his porridge.

Call this a practise round. So we can look forward to more such trips later this year.

I really missed the 3 days there. Although we didn't explore much, and pretty much stayed in the room for Sean's naps, the overall feeling was so r&r I feel really blessed and fortunate to have a happy little family to call my own.

The moment I placed Sean on the bed, he broke into big smiles and had so much fun frolicking on the bed!

We went to Vivocity for dinner after taking a short stroll around the hotel. Sean likes the carrier!

Breakfast the next morning at the hotel. It was a wide variety for us but Sean only had biscuits and cereal. I took bread, cakes, muffins, fruits for him to try but he is not a very adventurous eater!

I love kissing Sean and Sean loves being kissed too I think.

After his morning nap, it was lunch time for Sean. We bought this "Sack & Seat" thing to keep Sean in his seat to feed him. It was a great gadget! But Sean soon got bored of being strapped!

Where do we go now? Let's study the map of Sentosa now....oh! Don't forget to have more fun on the bed, which is so much bigger than the one at home!

We went to Underwater World, which according to what I remember, is actually quite a fun place. But maybe my memory failed me. It wasn't that enjoyable actually. Some of the fishes were so mammoth I was pretty petrified! Sean, on the other hand, seems rather nonchalent, if not, BORED.

But the worse thing is, there were so many tourists during our visit there, that we thought we were in India! Seriously, it does put me off abit. The experience would have been much enjoyable, if the place was abit, less, dark.

Just look at the crowd! There must have been truckloads!!!!!

Ironically, we rushed back indoors for some much needed fresh air. AND have more fun on the bed!

Then off to Vivocity again for dinner with Steve's mum. Sean really enjoyed her company!

I really like this shot. Don't you think father and son look so alike!

We mentioned that it was Sean's birthday when we checked in, and the kind staff arranged for a cake for him! It was delivered to the room when we were out, and it was such a pleasant surprise! And you know what? It was a bigger cake than the one we bought for him, which was a miserable small one from Breadtalk. I suppose size doesn't mattter in this case, as our hearts for Sean is so much bigger!

3 days 2 nights went by in a blink, even Sean showed some reluctance to leave.

Ciao Sentosa!!

So Sean's 1st birthday was spent like this. No balloons, I didn't manage to do a video for him, no parties, not much presents. I hope he doesn't mind. I do feel quite guilty for not doing more for him. But after a while, I realise that perhaps throwing parties or making a bigger show of his birthday is maybe just an effort to make us feel better for doing such for him.

And I'm sure Sean enjoyed our little getaway.

Sean sean boy, it's been a long first year. The beginning was hard, but we've survived. We have learnt together, taking baby steps, holding each other's hands. The journey ahead is long, and I want you to know that your daddy and mummy will be holding your hands and giving you lots of love as you tot along.

Sean, you're the best thing that's happened to us.