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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sean's Progress

My boy is learning at such amazing rate I am, well, AMAZED!

I have never really taught him things proper. We did tried flashcards on him, but he was totally uninterested.

So basically, Sean's main education source comes from story-reading, and from everyday things.

I talk to him alot. Even while we're walking alone with just each other. Like pointing out the trees to him, telling him that they are tall tall trees because there's so much sun. Like it's raining now because the diapers on the clouds are too heavy already. Like pointing out that that's a blue taxi, a yellow taxi, a red taxi etc.

Today, just for the fun of it, I asked Sean to identify colours.

And he managed to get them all right! Although it's just the 5 colours of red, blue, yellow, green and orange - but he got them right!

And while he was playing with my handphone on the bed while I were changing his diaper, he uttered "O" and pointed to the key "O" on the phone. I then asked him where is "I". And he pointed that out. I asked him where is "A", and he pointed that out too!

And just now on the car while the Brainy Baby VCD is playing and the scene showed an elephant, Sean uttered "E-Ree-Ffff".

Well done Sean Sean!

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