There is never a day when I can be out for more than 6 hours or so.
Even if there is, I would have to scramble to some decent nursing room to express milk.
And now that Sean is coming to 1 in a few weeks' time, I wonder if it's time to wean him?
But I'm feeling very mixed.
On the one hand, that would mean I will have more free time for myself, and indeed for Sean too.
I can start bringing him out alone, expose him to more things, even bring him for enrichment classes (though I seriously think these classes are really OPTIONAL)
On the other hand, because it is a irreversable decision, I'm afraid I will regret weaning Sean now rather than later.
Sean's latching on at least twice a day now, and I really enjoy this time.
A time for just the both of us. This bonding is what words cannot describe.
Anyway, here are some photos taken over the week. My parents and Zining (my brother's cutie) came over for 2 days while Steve is away for work.
The 2 kids love playing with each other!
I think Sean is intrigued with his cousin, he kept looking at Zining and nothing else in this series of photos! Haha! So cute!

And Sean really loves taking his temperature!!

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