I got so many things in mind to prepare!!
- print out his photos over the year and make into an album
- make a video clip
- order a nice cake. Am scouting around now, any recommendations??
- make a banner for his party
- buy nice cute balloons
- etc etc...
The good news is, we're going for a photoshoot this Saturday! Am going to buy new apparels for Sean and dress him up. He's going to look so handsome!

My birthday is approaching in just about a week's time!
Old already. 31 years old!!
My oh my.
I got only one thing in mind to prepare:
- get some colours into my hair
I've been having jet black hair for the last 2 years. I miss the vibrancy of colours in them!
And that's about it I guess, for my birthday.
Sean and my birthday is just 4 days apart. Good and bad in it.
Good because we can celebrate 2 joyous occasions together, making it doubly fun and enjoyable.
Bad is, cut corners. And most of it is from mine.
Never mind. Sean is more important lah.
This is taken at Karen's church wedding. Everyone's standing and singing but with fussy Sean in tow, cannot help it. So we just snapped away, and ate biscuits, and dropped biscuits onto the floor, and wipe hands with wet tissues, and dropped wet tissues onto the floor....
But I cleared everything after ok!
And look! Sean is attempting a delicate balancing act!

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