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Saturday, February 06, 2010

Things that I need to be grateful for

Feeding Sean has always been a challenging task.

Make that an astronomically challenging task.

Sometimes he can eat so easily...but yet almost all the time, he doesn't want to eat willingly.

I always have to distract him with something else, whether they can be ridiculous or not, stares from onlookers no longer bother me. I think I'm just short of stripping and flashing my boobies at Sean as one distraction method. Then again, what makes me think that'll interest him?

In fact on so many occasions, I have the mind to just turn to the neighbouring diners and say: Yes that's how I make my son eat so stop staring and mind your own business thank you very much.

Recently, the food strike has loomed on us again.

Well, it has never really gone away. On a good count, Sean will eat well (2 square meals) for say, 3 days in a week. The rest, he survives on mainly milk, and junk.

And mind you, those 3 good days are really made possible only because I've come up with something new to distract him with, eg. tin of milk powder with remnants of milk powder left and him fiddling with it.

Then he will lose interest after that god-sent 3 days.

Sigh. I wish Sean can be easier to feed.

I admit, I have to bear some responsibility for how things have turned out. Maybe I have actually cultivated the habit of distracting him for him to eat, hence he can only eat in this way now.

But I have to come up with ways to make him eat, haven't I?

Else the alternative would be to let him be. He'll come to me when he's hungry.

Well, he will. But he will only go for things like biscuits and whatnots. Not proper meals.

So you tell me what to do?

I lament alot these days, most of the times in front of Sean.


My mum kept telling me: Sean's a sensible boy. He doesn't speak, but he understands alot, more than you think he does.

This post is to remind me to "treat" Sean better, and that FEEDING HIM IS NOT THE ONLY THING I HAVE TO DO AS A MOTHER.

For this one main problem, I shouldn't overlook the things that Sean has made me so proud of being his mother.

Steve said his colleague who has a 2 year old girl still doesn't sleep through the night. My Sean has done so since he's 2 months old, and he has given me sooo many good nights' sleep. This is a luxury that not many mothers enjoy.

And he doesn't need to be patted to sleep. Just put him in his bed, and he'll fall asleep by himself.

Sean comes to me for hugs and kisses when he's sad or hurt, eg. reprimanded by Steve, when he falls. Sean ALWAYS comes to me for that, never to Steve.

Sean took the initiative to throw his used diaper into the dustbin after a change. I've never taught him that.

Sean took the initiative to wipe dry the mess he made with water. I've never taught him that.

He switches off the TV in the living room whenever I told him we're going out or going into the bedroom. Sometimes without me telling him to do so.

He sleeps in his own bed, hardly ever demanding to sleep with us.

Whenever he wakes up earlier than us (which by then we would have woken too, but are pretending to sleep) he would stand up on his bed and steal peeps at us to check whether we're awake, and if we're not, he would lie back down and entertain himself until we're awake. Hardly ever does he scream for us to attend to him.

I suppose there are some more but these are the more significant ones that I am grateful for.

So Nicole, get this in ur thick skull. Sean is hard to feed, but don't magnify this into so big a problem that you fail to see his achievements.

So chill.

One of his good days: Polishing off every single ounce of soup

Playing peek-a-boo behind the door

Doing the "Cute Cute"

Yet another one of his play-dead antics

"Want me to eat? Talk to my leg!"

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