The opportunity to return this time came with Steve's workshop which was held by the research team he worked with for his PhD. The decision to go was made just a week before the scheduled flights, and boy was I excited! Luckily all of Sean's winter gear is already in place for his Tokyo trip, so there was not too much to prepare.
The flight from Singapore to Amsterdam (we flew KLM) was a long 13 hours. And through a good 8 hours of it, Sean slept in my arms. And on our flight back, he slept in the bassinet which we placed on the floor, and for at least 7 hours too! Sean did well overall, not fussing much, we kept him entertained with story-telling and lots of silly games. Now we know, Sean can take long-haul flights!
Edinburgh was so cold the day we reached, there was a good amount of frost! There was somewhat a surreal feeling when we drove through the city on the way to the hotel - a sense of familiarity and homecoming, but yet also, a strange feeling of relief that this is just a holiday and not a long-stay like last time.
I brought Sean out to shop when Steve was away for work and boy was it a challenge! I must be mad to not bring along the stroller and opted to carry Sean. I swear my arms were breaking! Besides, with the thick coat that Sean and I were wearing, it sure didn't make the job easy. Still, we bought soooooo much for Sean! I tell you, the range of kidswear they have from H&M, Gap, even supermarkets like Sainsbury and Asda, they all win hands-down compared to Singapore! They were all so cute and pretty, and all so much more reasonably-priced! I wish I can put up the photos of the buys here...maybe I will, if I have the time to take some shots of them, see how..
I think we spent a tad too much for this trip. We splashed out staying at The Balmoral, which was smacked right in the middle of Princes Street (akin to Orchard Road), and it was worth it. It boasts a Five-Star Baby Service, where they provide a cot, steriliser, a box of toys suitable for the age of the baby guest, bottle warmer etc. The bed is turned down everynight, and a personalised teddy bear is provided for Sean to bring home. Yes, all these perks are ultimately paid for by us, but at least I know Sean is welcomed and that I can count on the hotel for help if I need any.
We gorged ourselves silly with curry, curry and more curry! We bought so much each night (we had curry or 2 nights!) that we have to throw away loads of unfinished portions. We ate the big greasy fry-up, complete with haggis, black pudding, sausages, potato scones, scrambled eggs and baked beans almost every morning. I swear by the end of the trip, I can feel my pants tighter.
Sigh. I wish I can stay for at least another 2 more days, to do some sightseeing, because what we did this time was really just shopping. Then again, sightseeing in Edinburgh during the wintry rainy season can be abit mad. So maybe, next time, preferably in summer.
Next time, next time.
In transit at Amsterdam Schipol Airport

"Aiyoh don't take my photo lah!"
There is a nice and huge baby room at the airport, complete with cots, microwaves and washing area.
We fed Sean some instant Pigeon food here and he likes them!
Reached Edinburgh Airport and it was -3 degree! Freezing cold!
Gave Sean a digestive to munch on for warmth.
Reached the hotel. Sean checking out the buoyancy of the bed
We washed up and changed to the nearby mall. Sean is all wrapped up!
"Darn! How do I go about scratching the itch with my gloves on??"
Obviously NOT a happy bunny
Sean slept for a good 12 hours before waking up to breakfast (Digestives) on bed

And then it's inspection time around the toilet

We had breakfast at this cafe where both Steve and I used to frequent

"Give me my yoghurt! NOW!"

Then it's dinner at Sambuca, the Italian ristorante across from the flat we used to stay in.
The staff remembers us!

"Er, I'll just have....digestives and yoghurt, please."

We had dinner at the one-star Michelin Number One restaurant, which was situated in the hotel itself.
The food...didn't really make an impression thought. Steve and I both agreed Martin Wishart's still the best.
"My parents are having a posh dinner, while all I get are Gerber puffs?? What liberty!"

Early the next morning at the hotel lobby, on our way to pick up the car

Bought this cute bear cap from H&M. I really love it on Sean!
Sean hates it though, kept pulling it off whenever it's on.
Sean hates it though, kept pulling it off whenever it's on.
Window view from the room
Room view with a little red butt sticking up in the air
View from the toilet overlooking busy Princes Street
Bored Sean outside H&M when Mummy goes shopping
Recharged after lunch with Arthur's Seat behind us
Some rear-shots cos I find Sean's tights really cute!
Asleep and favourite sleeping position

It looks like a tree has grown out of our backs!

In front of the fireplace at the lobby

It was an early morning for us again - 8am but it's still dark, and very cold.

The hotel's behind
Breakfast at a cafe in Asda (supermarket)
Look what I snagged in the trolley!
He's just too cute to resist!
"But no worries! I'm formidable - still standing strong!"
"Ah, got to pose for the media now. It's not easy being a celebrity."
Checking out
One more outside the hotel
Sean can't peel his eyes off the doorman!
We went back to the flat where we stayed for 4 years. Now with Baby!
Silly me forgot to take a shot with my colleagues when we went back to visit!
Now just have to make do with the entrance cos it's Sunday!
While waiting to board, all the kids were running amok (cos it's way past bedtime!)
and Sean made some new friends.
"That's it, I'm out. It's tiring this socialising business."
I'm starting to miss Edinburgh already.....
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