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Friday, December 11, 2009

Sean is officially a Toddler!

Yes! This little boy is now 18 months old - one and a half years old!


Sean is definitely showing the traits of a little grown-up boy. His temper, his tantrums...gosh, if his behaviour is the calm before the storm, then I cannot imagine the full blown terrible twos when it comes!

But I'm proud of Sean and how much he has developed over the months. Finally! He's showing some progress on his speech, although it's still a tad slow, but hey! Better than never eh!

For sure, he can call out Papa! Everytime he hears the keys rattle, he will mumble "Papa, Papa" while dashing to the door, and then give a final big shout "PAPA!" when the door opens and reveals Steve.

He can say/or trying to say car (car!), water (ter), bus (ba), bounce (bou), ball (ba), apple (ah-pe), cat (meow meow), t-shirt (ttsshh...), trousers (tr-ou), guitar (tar), ah ma (uuhm), tree (tee), star (tar), cake (cake!), bread (boo)...

I think there are still some that I can't recall offhand now..

And oh! He is sprouting two canines and two molars on the upper side. All at the same time! Poor boy. Maybe that explains why he's been rejecting food for the past 7 - 8 weeks. It's still a challenge feeding him now, but things are better, and my temper's under much control too. So without much fuss and stress, we just let Sean eat whatever and how much he wants. The amount he eats is really meagre and can put my so-called diet plans to shame, but Sean's still doing well in terms of his weight and height. So yes, I've learnt to take the chill pill when it comes to Sean's eating. Hopefully it will soon become better.

And Sean is showing much interest in self-feeding. God bless me! The mess that I have to clear up after...I hope he masters it soon!

Did I tell you Sean loves to hug my hand to sleep? It's either he has to hug it, or he'll hold my hand and place it on his cheek to fall asleep. If I attempt to pull it away and if he's still not in deep sleep, he will pull my hand and flip over such that he'll be "hiding" my hand under his tummy and continue to sleep.

I love my son very, very much.

"I tell you, better don't play play."

"Don't see I small small.."

"The amount of biscuits I eat is more than the rice you eat!"


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