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Monday, October 05, 2009

Back from Beijing and no more food strike!

We've been back for a week now and there's still much to do, and recover from.

For the record, Sean has been on a food strike since the 22nd September, a day before the flight.

It happened all of a sudden. He was still fine with his breakfast cereal that day.

Then came lunch in the afternoon, he just suddenly refused to open his mouth.

His lips were glued tightly together. Nothing could make them budge.

Everytime the spoon came near him, he would turn away.

It's like fighting a battle for the both of us.

No amount of coaxing, cheating or persuading works.

Then we left it at that, thinking that maybe he's just got no appetite.

Then came dinner time.

No, Sean didn't want anything either.

We made him cereal.


He's not having them either!!

The ONLY thing he would want in his mouth are his biscuits and yoghurt.

How aptly timed right this little terror.

We thought a change in environment in Beijing would give him some amusement.

No, it didn't change anything.

So Sean went without solids for the entire trip, managing only some yoghurt (which he refused too after 3 days.).

The most he could eat was from our plates.

Like 3 strands of noodles.

Or 2 grains of rice.

Sean made life so easy for us in Beijing, wanting only milk and biscuits.

But I was so stressed with him not eating that I didn't really enjoy the trip.

I was popping Panadols like mad cos my migraine was ever present.

Sean's foodstrike went on like this until it reached a breakthrough yesterday.

He finally ate!!

His porridge, his cereal, yoghurt....

Although it still took us about 30 attempts before he would finally open his mouth, but hey, at leas he's eating!

And he ate his cereal as well this morning.



Anyway, overall, Sean was very well-behaved.

He took no fuss at all during the taking off and the landing.

He was nice and easy to please on the plane, demanding mainly for story-telling and biscuits only.

He slept ok in the bassinet too.

I guess this works out well for our next trip to Tokyo in December.

More photos next post!

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