Sean's Birthday Ticker

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Sean's 1st Birthday

After all the thinking, we've decided that Sean's 1st birthday would be a family affair.

A nice, simple, quiet one with just his daddy and mummy.

And so off we went to Rasa Sentosa for 3 days 2 nights.

It was my first ever long-short trip away from home for the last 2 years, and boy was I really looking forward to it.

Ok ok, this was supposed to be a double birthday celebration for both the boy and me, so my kind hubby specially organised this for us.

Love you hubs.

Bringing along a 1 year old for a getaway was an experience! First of all, the logistics was a definite challenge. Because I still am Sean's dairy cow, we have to bring along all the pumping equipment, sterilser, ice packs, bottles etc.

On top of that, a mini-fridge cos there will be quite some milk.

Then there is his playpen, cos we wouldn't want to use the one provided by the hotel for hygiene purposes.

Then his toys, to replicate the same sleeping environment for Sean.

And his diapers.

And the slow-cooker to prepare his porridge.

Call this a practise round. So we can look forward to more such trips later this year.

I really missed the 3 days there. Although we didn't explore much, and pretty much stayed in the room for Sean's naps, the overall feeling was so r&r I feel really blessed and fortunate to have a happy little family to call my own.

The moment I placed Sean on the bed, he broke into big smiles and had so much fun frolicking on the bed!

We went to Vivocity for dinner after taking a short stroll around the hotel. Sean likes the carrier!

Breakfast the next morning at the hotel. It was a wide variety for us but Sean only had biscuits and cereal. I took bread, cakes, muffins, fruits for him to try but he is not a very adventurous eater!

I love kissing Sean and Sean loves being kissed too I think.

After his morning nap, it was lunch time for Sean. We bought this "Sack & Seat" thing to keep Sean in his seat to feed him. It was a great gadget! But Sean soon got bored of being strapped!

Where do we go now? Let's study the map of Sentosa now....oh! Don't forget to have more fun on the bed, which is so much bigger than the one at home!

We went to Underwater World, which according to what I remember, is actually quite a fun place. But maybe my memory failed me. It wasn't that enjoyable actually. Some of the fishes were so mammoth I was pretty petrified! Sean, on the other hand, seems rather nonchalent, if not, BORED.

But the worse thing is, there were so many tourists during our visit there, that we thought we were in India! Seriously, it does put me off abit. The experience would have been much enjoyable, if the place was abit, less, dark.

Just look at the crowd! There must have been truckloads!!!!!

Ironically, we rushed back indoors for some much needed fresh air. AND have more fun on the bed!

Then off to Vivocity again for dinner with Steve's mum. Sean really enjoyed her company!

I really like this shot. Don't you think father and son look so alike!

We mentioned that it was Sean's birthday when we checked in, and the kind staff arranged for a cake for him! It was delivered to the room when we were out, and it was such a pleasant surprise! And you know what? It was a bigger cake than the one we bought for him, which was a miserable small one from Breadtalk. I suppose size doesn't mattter in this case, as our hearts for Sean is so much bigger!

3 days 2 nights went by in a blink, even Sean showed some reluctance to leave.

Ciao Sentosa!!

So Sean's 1st birthday was spent like this. No balloons, I didn't manage to do a video for him, no parties, not much presents. I hope he doesn't mind. I do feel quite guilty for not doing more for him. But after a while, I realise that perhaps throwing parties or making a bigger show of his birthday is maybe just an effort to make us feel better for doing such for him.

And I'm sure Sean enjoyed our little getaway.

Sean sean boy, it's been a long first year. The beginning was hard, but we've survived. We have learnt together, taking baby steps, holding each other's hands. The journey ahead is long, and I want you to know that your daddy and mummy will be holding your hands and giving you lots of love as you tot along.

Sean, you're the best thing that's happened to us.

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