Sean Sean is 10 months old today!
Great! And he has been given the all clear by the doctor this morning.
No more nebulising for Sean anymore! HOORRAY!!!
But I must praise my little Sean for all his bravery and steadfastness throughout this bronchitis ordeal. From the strong resistance of taking his medicine, over the week, it has been a breeze giving it to him as he's gotten used to the taste and procedure. Not a single drop was wasted of his 5ml dosage of medicine everytime we give it to him. No more fuss or whining too. Way to go Sean! You're such a brave and fine young boy!
Now that he's 10 months old, I can't help but marvel at the fact that in 2 more months, he'll be a little toddler of a year old! I love my darling Sean very very much!
And I'm proud to say that Sean's still exclusively on breastmilk, though now he seldom latches on. I hope to be able to give him this best nutrition at least till he's 1 year old.
And did I say Sean likes to put his hand on the breastpump when I'm expressing milk? It's as if he wants to help Mummy pump too! He's so cute!
Hmm...let's see what milestones he has achieved so far. Sean can
- sleep through the night (since he's 2 months plus)
- sit up from a lying down position
- put his head down on my shoulders and try to fall asleep when I tell him, "Sleep Sean, sleep"
- kiss Daddy and Mummy when we tell him to
- lean towards the person who is about to kiss him
- take off my specs when I say "Take off Mummy's specs"
- look around for the bottle cap, teething ring and rattle when I ask him to
- cough when I ask him to "cough cough"
- hi-five people
- clap when he's very happy, eg. when daddy returns home from work
- do handshakes
- do the flying-kiss
- understands when we say "no" to his doings, stops doing it and then whine for a while
- pretend to cry and scrunch up his face when he doesn't get his way
- sprouting a tooth! (finally!!!)
- enjoys salmon with potato ultra much
- holds his own sippy cup
- looks at the fan whenever he hears the "moo-moo" sound (we have a weird system that will sound off "moo-moo" whenever the lights or fan is being switched on/off)
- beats and bobs to the rhythm of songs he hears on BabyTV
- can differentiate between different TV programmes on BabyTV. His favourite is Baby Giant, Playtime, Grandpa's Gallery and Tinys, where he will break into a mega smile whenever they're on.
- calls out "da-da-da" alot, yet strangely, says "ah-ba" or "ah-ma" only whenever he's really angry and irritated. Hmm...
Sometimes I wonder and indeed worry, is my boy developing fine? Is he any slower than the rest?
But then you realise again that every baby is unique. And there's no point really in comparing the progress of your baby's development with others.
Cos what I have in Sean is unique enough to proclaim him as the most handsome, brilliant, cleverest, lovely, cutest, in short, best baby in the whole wide world.
My best baby Sean.

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