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Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I've not been feeling so well lately.

If it's not the migraine, it's the flu.

Just this morning, I had such a bad case of migraine I vommited.

The throbbing pain on the left side of my head was so bad it felt just like a hammer pounding open my skull.

It's living hell.

Despite this, I still have to grit and carry on with expressing milk.

Thanks to a couple of painkillers and some precious time stolen from Steve just before he went to work, I managed to get some shuteye and most of the pain went away, though I'm still typing now with a heavy head.

The discomfort that I've been feeling recently made me think of my mum alot.

I've got this neighbour, don't know which one exactly. But everytime she/he cooks, the smell would be so enticing that it makes me hungry.

And that is when I'll think of my mum alot too.

I remember the younger days, whenever I was sick, Mum would cook pork porridge (ba-bey) for me.

That fragrance, that still has such a lingering comforting feeling to me.

Like a huge pair of arms hugging me and telling me that the pain would go away soon after the hot bowl of porridge.

I miss my Mum, and I miss all the food she's cooked for me.

And then I wonder what Sean would remember of me? What smell?

1 comment:

MaggieMQ said...

my mum will also cook me a big pot of porridge before she goes to work whenever she knows that I m nt feeling well...

now think of it,
I miss both the porridge she cook & my mum......

I m also having migraine very frequently....
my MIL said its bcos I washed my hair during confinement...

tk cr babe!!