Sometimes I blame myself for thinking too much.
For worrying too much.
So much so that in my mind, I've already conjured an escape plan.
You know.
For those "Just-in-case" cases...
Sometimes, I want to just cry it all out.
Like how I'd sometimes drop a few tears in front of Sean.
And you know the most amazing thing is, Sean would look at me lovingly, as if telling me not to cry anymore, cos I have him.
And that's everything in the world to me, seriously.
It's not that I'm complaining, or that I've been feeling unhappy.
It's just that...things hit you once in a while, and it makes you jolt abit out of your seat.
Your throne of contentment.
I've been feeling nothing but happiness and fortune for so long that I'm rather afraid I can't cope if I were to feel unhappy all of a sudden.
It's not that unhappiness has not hit me at all. Rather, I've not succumbed to it, cos for what? Since I already have everything good in this world?
But if one fine moment, I'm not that strong, I'm not that contented, I'm not that generous, I'm not that kind, then what would happen?
Would things get so out of control that it gets ugly?
So, maybe it's good to actually throw a temper once in a while.
Or feel angry, unhappy once in a while.
Cos then, I can learn to accept things that I cannot avert.
I love Sean so very much.

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