Guess I shouldn't be so obsessed about milk supply. Afterall, I'm still producing about 1.2 litres everyday now. That should be good enough.
Sean is drinking breastmilk exclusively from birth till now. Many times I wonder if I would feel better, and indeed have more time on hand if we switch to giving him formula milk. But I don't want to give up. Formula milk can never replace how breastmilk can benefit Sean. Besides, imagine the amount of money I can save! And you never know what dodgy ingredients go into synthetic stuff. Well, at least not now. Wait till Sean is older and his immune system is stronger, then we'll give him stuff from the adult world.
Sean is 4 months old today!! Progress!!
- he can move himself in a clockwise position when lying down
- he can lift his head and look at us for a long time when he's on his tummy
- he can grab mummy's hair very well (oh yes he can)
- he's growing teeth! 2 from the lower gums!
- he doesn't use any pacifier! well, at least not at the moment...
- he recognises and would smile and laugh when i sing him "twinkle twinkle little star" and "old macdonald has a farm"
- he knows what foul smell is and would cover his nose when his diaper is being changed
- he likes story-telling time
You have done so well my darling boy. You're the best Sean!

Sean is sooo cute!!!
Hugs for u.
U're going great as a MUM =)
& Sean is a happy baby,
always smiling!!
Hey mummy!! Yup dun give up and bb Sean is really sooo chubby and healthy & cheerful looking!! All thanks to mummy's supply of nutritious BM!! ;)
Jiayou ok and u are doing a good job and I'm sure it's all worthwhile!!
Handsome & cutie lil Sean!! :D
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