Hi, I'm snooping around Mummy's blog while she's asleep. Let u all see some cute cute photos of me, want? Sshhh...

This is how I look while the adults burp me. How boring right.
And sometimes when they put me on my tummy, I will try and look very excited so that they think I'm having a really good time. Well, it's so-so only. I mean, what else can I do now right? I can't possibly jump and walk around now right?
And Daddy likes to carry me so much he doesn't want to put me down to sleep. So I have to fall asleep in his arms like this. So uncomfortable can.
Mummy wants to train me to hold my own bottle with this funny ring holder. Drop lor.

And Mummy gave me her breastpad to play with.

See! I am holding Mummy's breastpad! Woohoo!

Let's see how it tastes!

And I like to eat Hello Panda, taking after Mummy, of course.

Ok, I gotto go cos sleepy already. Yawn..droolz...Byebye!