The Olympics are over, but my training is just beginning...
I may be at the tender age of 3 months old, but I'm a lean mean fighting baby

I train hard for the swimming events
14 gold medals so what??
I'm preparing for the men's 6kg class weightlifting event too
I'll crush my opponents like a cockroach.
I may not be walking now but watch out world,
I'll be bolting Bolt out in no time.
Of course, a good diet helps prepare my little body for the arduous training.
Plenty of sleep is mandatory, even in windy conditions.
But sometimes. I just need to spend some me-time alone,
cruising in the car...
Daddy trains me hard, but I love him very much cos he buys alot of toys for me.
I adore Mummy truckloads, cos she spoils me rotten.

My name is Sean Wong Jingxuan.
My parents say I'm a champion baby.
I don't know about that, but I do know I'm their champion baby.
By the way, Mummy's friend in Edinburgh sent me a toy!
It's a tortoise and it makes alot of funny sounds! I really love playing with it!
Thank you Uncle Gary!
hi girl,
me still using same hp number. replied e email u sent some time back, but didnt get any response from u.
alternatively u can find me on MSN (joellehuijun@yahoo.com.sg) or skype (Joelle Kong)
Hey baby Sean is indeed very cutie!! He will grow up to be a handsome and fine young man!! ;)
Hugs to him!! ;D
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