I knew he would win, for me!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
It was a surreal feeling at the race. The adrenaline, I even felt quite light-headed for abit, because the excitement when the cars whizzed by! It's just beyond description!
We put Sean to bed at 8pm and he was sleeping away soundly, just as he has been for the past month or so. And so he was left in my mum's care and we sneaked away for a couple of hours for the qualifying session. I tell u, I was clutching to my mobile the entire time we were away, ready to pick up SOS calls from mum. And she did, just once, for Sean was bawling away. Thankfully, after a quick diaper change, he went back to sleep.
It was a really nice feeling taking public transport with Steve again, holding his hands tightly in the mayhem crowds, leaning on his shoulders and wondering if Sean would be fine, enjoying the race with him, cheering my guts out whenever Alonso passed by...I'm really grateful for this hard to come by opportunity to romance my man again, even though it took me a while to get use to the fact that Sean's at home and not with me!
We should do this soon again, my big darling. I enjoyed the few short hours' of coupletime very very much.
Anyway, back to the race. Alonso didn't disappoint me with the grand results. But I was really devastated when his car failed during Q2. He was just in front of us when he has to step out of his car when he has been doing so well throughout all the practices!
But he won ultimately and he so deserves it! I wish he can have a better car next year. His calibre should take him to many more championships.
I love Sean and Steven and Alonso!!
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