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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I.P. Man

Once upon a time, I saw trailers for the movie titled Ip Man.

And I had foolishly thought that the title meant "I.P." Man - as in, Internet Protocol Man.

Back then, my impression of the movie was that the male lead had travelled through time through the internet, and had ended up in the era of kongfu fighting times.

Suffice to say, you cannot imagine how silly and funny I felt when I finally realised through my sister-in-law that the title was actually a legitimate name pronounced as Yip Mun 叶问.

Who say housewives aren't an imaginative bunch?

Edited to add:

It turns out there is indeed a comic character called IP Man! Hahahaha! Hilarious!

Find out more about it at if you are interested!

1 comment:

WaveSurfer said...

'IP Man' sounds like an inappropriate english name for the movie indeed; first impression to me is some superhero film. ^^|

When I first heard of that movie name, I simply ignored the film totally, only to realise much later that it was such a captivating show.