We have gradually introduced formula milk to him, and after going through Sean's stringent taste tests, we have settled down with Gain IQ.
Friso, Enfagrow, Nan, Nan HA, Mamil Gold - all these didn't make the cut.
The beginning was tough. Even though we have mixed in only a quarter of his 175ml with formula and the rest with his favourite breastmilk, Sean was really sensitive to the new taste and didn't take well to it. He retched, puked and showed us faces of disgust.
Many times I feel like giving up and just press on with giving him EBM.
But my breasts are really tired and sore after countless sessions of pumps.
Just last week, I was having my regular checkup and my gynae asked if my hormonal cycle is back to normal.
It's not.
Then she remarked, "Wow, that means you have been doing pretty intensive breastfeeding/expressing."
Well, I was. And if I am to salvage any normality in my boobs, functionality AND appearance, then perhaps it's time to let them take their deserved rest.
This morning, we gave Sean a full feed of Gain IQ.
3 scoops with 180ml.
No more mixture with breastmilk.
And although he took a longer time to drink, and at times, stopped and looked at the bottle with a suspicious look, he managed to finish 175ml of it.
So maybe, I can finally keep those pumps away for good now.
And start planning what do I do with Sean with the sudden free time I have on hand.
Look for a job? Enrol him for enrichment classes?
Decisions, decisions.
Haiz. With change comes adaptation. Now I have to re-plan Sean's schedule, which have been the same for the past 14 months!
That also explains why I have the time to finally download Photoscape to do up these pretty photos!
I am learning...and maybe I can finally get that Facebook account done.
See how, see how.

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