Sean had fell sick :(
I will never forget the fateful Sunday evening, when he vomitted all over me.
Projectile vomitting.
I was in total shock.
What's more, Steve was attending a wedding dinner then, so I was all alone.
I tried to remain calm, but after the vomitting, Sean cried very weakly.
He was pale.
And, he was falling asleep, and appeared very listless.
Of course, his little body has just expelled so much vomit! How tedious is that!
You cannot imagine how petrified I was.
Even hysterical.
I don't know what to do for a while.
The bed was soaked with vomit.
The floor.
My shirt.
Sean's shirt.
I changed immediately, and kept telling Sean not to fall asleep and to stay awake.
And rushed downstairs for a taxi to Children's Emergency, telling Steve to meet me there.
Along the way there, I kept telling Sean not to doze off, cos he is, and in a very quiet manner, not his usual cheerful self.
After an examination, it was concluded that Sean has been overfed.
Yes, overfeeding. By me, his silly Mummy.
I thought the ordeal would be over.
But a few hours after Sean got home, he developed a fever.
Worse, he has refused to drink any milk. He simply would not open his mouth every time the teat is near. And he would struggle and cry so much it hurt us to see him like this...
Worried that Sean could be dehydrated, we rushed him to the hospital, again at 4am.
The doctor told us if Sean still did not drink, then maybe we have to put him on a drip.
Steve and I really don't wish for that to happen to Sean.
So we fed him with a spoon.
Thankfully, he accepts that.
And till now, whenever Sean sees the bottle near, he would cry and fight against it so much, we struggle to feed him
We tried changing teats, changing bottle, trying the sippy cup, even making him see us drinking from the bottle with the teat.
Nothing seems to work.
Everytime, we have to make Sean cry and force the teat into him to make him drink.
It almost always have to end in tears.
I hope this is passing phase, that his gums are sore, that's why he's fussy.
I really hope it's not because of the overfeeding that has cast such a nasty experience on him, that he doesn't want to eat or drink anything from the bottle now.
As it is now, I feel immensely guilty over the fact that I made Sean vomit because I had fed him too much.
My darling Sean,
Please recover soon. Nothing else is as important as seeing you happy and healthy again.
We love you Sean.
And that's all we want for Christmas.
For you to be well and cheerful for so many years to come.
1 comment:
hope the little one gets well soon... will be praying for him. take good care of yrself :)
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