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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dr. Who?

Recently, we attended a relative's wedding.

The moment we arrived, with Sean in my arms, some of the older folks announced:
"Here are the PhD 博士s! Oh, and here is their little 博士!"

And I would smile, nod and look away almost immediately, secretly wishing that the ground would open up and swallow me.


Well you see. Steve's PhD was well-earned and well put to use.

Mine too. Don't get me wrong. I do feel immensely proud that I've gotten my doctorate and can be rightfully addressed as Dr. Foo.

But everytime people ask and I have to answer about this qualification, I'd feel rather sheepish.

Cos what follows would usually be the question:
"So what are you working as now?"

And when I have to say that I'm unemployed and am a fulltime mother, I can't help but suspect that deep inside they would be thinking:
"Chey. PhD so what. Don't even have a job. Not earning any money. Pui."

Seriously, either I ought to start perishing such thoughts, or I have to get a job real soon.

Is this succumbing to social pressure, I don't know.

But one thing's for sure.

I would definitely miss Sean very much if I have to work and be away from him.

Sean's my everything now you know.

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