I have been one for the past 3 weeks or so and I must say, it was a helluva experience.
I must be paying back for all those lazy hours spent sleeping during my pregnancy...
Now, my every hour and minute is spent with my darling Sean. Not that I'm complaining, I love him to bits! In fact, I am most willing and can indeed spend the whole of my waking hours to be just beside him, stroking his cute little head and saying to him "How much Mummy loves him.". But it's not easy. Any time I can find in between meeting Sean's needs I try to catch some sleep. But by the time i can do that, Sean's awake again.
Indeed, being a mother is the toughest job on earth. Like now, I have to type with one hand becos I'm carrying him with the other. And this entry has been saved as draft for the umpteem before it can be properly uploaded. Sean wants to be carried and cuddled most of the time. He's been spoilt rotten. But i dun mind :)
And he's growing well! I'm really thankful for that. He can smile and giggle alot now, and he loves his bathtime and playtime! My heart melts whenever he smiles at me. Really, nothing else is more important than seeing him healthy and happy. Nothing else.

And as usual, I must end this off with Sean's ultimate "Disturb my sleep and I'll whack u" look...

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