I'm counting down to the day when Baby Boy decides to arrive. We went for our checkup last Friday and gynae wasn't too hopeful that he will come soon, cos he's only 1/5 engaged :(, and in her words, "Baby is doing very well and seems very happy still in you!". She then asked me if I used to exercise alot pre-pregnancy, cos apparently, there's a possibility that tight abdominal muscles prevents smooth and complete engagement. But really, I think it's all my fault that Baby's not gone down yet, cos he has a lazy bum mummy who does nothing but eats and sleeps and puts her feet up all the time at home.
I really hope Baby Boy doesn't go overdue. Baby Boy, Daddy has been bringing us out for alot of morning walks recently, so please cooperate with us, cos Daddy and Mummy really can't wait to see you you know...
Anyway, here are photos of me and my glorious tummy over the last 10 months.
the night b4 we found out that i'm pregnant. it was a celebration dinner for my viva. to think i actually ate raw oysters and had alcoholic drinks then. luckily no harm was done to baby.
the test kit that changed our lives forever!
at 4 months
taken during the ultrascan
from the 4th month then onwards, i started to eat alot more. u can see how i'm putting on weight...
cake and pineapple tarts making fest during cny
at 6 months, carrying my brother's darling zining
at 7 months - still quite vainpot
busy eating our own weight
at pan pacific during the world gourmet festival. this meal was prepared by a couple of 2 michelin starred chefs and costs a bomb, but it turned out to be quite disappointing. conclusion: martin wishart's still our best experience so far.
was already 8 months then
my tummy at 9 months!
and ready to pop anytime!!
Sometimes, I wonder if I would ever be able to regain my pre-pregnancy figure...I actually really miss my non-existent A+/B cup breasts.
I've put on a total of 13 kg now (and counting....) and Baby actually weighs a decent 3.2 kg already. The last month was the worst! I can put on about 1-2kg in a matter of just 2 days! So please....Baby, don't go anymore overdue, else I will have such a difficult time pushing you out!
Actually, I have had the easy course of pregnancy. I mean, I have the luxury of not having to work and stay at home to be a lazy bum. And Steve was ever the good and loving husband and daddy. To be honest, I feel really guilty that he had to shoulder all the responsibilites of being the sole breadwinner, and on top of that, take care of all the household chores. And you know what? The most amazing makeover of the year, courtesy of Steve's sheer sweat and hardwork, had to go to the Baby's room.
from this...
to this!
And all that was achieved within a month! From clearing up the trash from the pre- and post-UK days, to the beautiful transformation of the nursery for our Baby Boy, no expenses was spared. For almost everyday after his work last month, Steve charged upon himself with the preparation of the nursery, and all I can do is make him tea and coffee.
I think this is what they call love. And I can feel it so much of it from him these months. So much so that on some early mornings when I couldn't go back to sleep, I would glance at Steve and tears would just flow, cos I couldn't help but think what if something were to happen and Steve were to leave me forever? I don't think I would be strong enough to survive without him...I kept telling myself, the best thing I can do from now is to be a good wife and Mummy to my two darling boys and to take very good care of them.
Oh! And we received a very special gift for our Baby from Steve's brother and his wifey. They are lovely, and we kept telling Baby Boy that he's going to be a very loved Baby. Thanks so much!
All the way from Melbourne! The printed words on the shirt reads "Spit Happens". Hilarious!

And some cute rompers we bought for Baby Boy. It's going to be fun dressing him up! Mummy can't wait to get more!!
And my article was finally published!
The baby ticker reads just 6 more days to go...Baby Boy, come out soon k, we're all ready for your arrival. Daddy and Mummy can't wait to sayang you all over.....
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