True to its word, the terrible twos' started off tremendously terribly.
Two days into his 2nd birthday and on the eve of our departure, Sean ran a temperature. I had felt that he was warm to the touch in the car on the way home back from Jurong Point. We took his temperature and it was 37.8deg. After we washed him up and changed him into pyjamas, his temperature had shot up to 38.5. We added a dose paracetamol into his milk and he finished it up while sleeping.
We then kept monitoring and checking his temperature. At the same time, we were also catching the Canadian F1 race in the living room, running into the room to check on Sean.
I think it was 15 minutes into the race, and I went in to check on Sean. To my dismay, Sean had thrown up and vomit was all over his shirt and mouth. Strangely, Sean was still sound asleep.
We got Sean up and checked his temperature. It has gone down abit, but he was extremely fussy and whinging alot. We're no sure if it's because he's feeling really sick, or simply because we have disturbed his sleep. After cleaning him up and changing him, we decided that Sean seems fine and was more tired than anything else. So I pacified him back to sleep.
Sean's fever subsided subsequently and was fine throughout the night.
Steve and I were struggling whether Sean should take flight. We were hoping against hope that it is just a mere case of heatiness, and that the fever will go away for good and Sean will be well enough to fly. So we still packed everything that was needed for the trip deep into the night till about 5am.
However, Sean's fever spiked again in the morning to 38.9deg. We then brought him to the PD. PD diagnosed that it could be a bacterial infection thus the sudden bouts of fever and ordered antibiotics. She also advised us not to bring him overseas as if Sean's condition is to deteriorate, it could result in pneumonia.
There is really no other choice to make. Sean is unusually unwell this time compared to the past, where he could still be his cheerful self despite having fever. Daddy would have to fly alone.
Sean has also decided that he doesn't want to go, cos his fever spiked to a worrying 40.4 deg in the afternoon soon after his paracetamol wears off. He was shivering and crying alot and looked really poorly. We rushed back to the PD and PD ordered for him to go to the A&E for a blood test and Xray. At the same time, Sean was given a suppository which brought his temperature down fairly quickly.
At NUH, Sean had settled down and looked positively sanguine. He was also very cooperative with wearing a mask, and the nurse checking his blood pressure and heart rate.
The above was written about 2 weeks ago and had been saved as draft since. I just don't really have the interest to continue to blog since then. Anyway, to cut the long story short:
- all of us were suppose to leave for Edinburgh on 14 June
- Sean developed high fever on night of 13 June
- fever spiked to as high as 40.4 deg on 14 June. All hopes of leaving that night were dashed. Safety comes first for Sean
- fever was on and off for Sean. Suppository was given 4 hourly on the advice of PD. To bring down the temperature, as well as to relieve pain in Sean's throat where the PD observed ulcers.
- Rashes developed on trunk and limbs of Sean on 16 June. He's never had these before. On the other hand, his fever is now under control.
- Fever broke on 17 June.
- I developed fever and shot up to as high as 39.4 deg.
- Blister-like rashes developed on my hands and soles. Quite painful too.
- Recovered in 2 days.
- Suffered from gastric flu for another day.
Fast forward to today, we've survived without Steve for the last almost 3 weeks or so. All thanks to my parents who have kindly stayed over with us during that period of time when Sean was sick. I was really quite paranoid to leave Sean alone for that few days when his fever was coming on and off. For fear that he could go into seizures due to the sudden spike in temperature. I couldn't go to the toilet without worry, I couldn't do anything without fearing for Sean. Heck, I simply couldn't leave him out of my sight!
Thanks so much to my parents. Without them, I would have gone bonkers.
And now, life has pretty much gone back to normalcy. My parents have gone back home since last week and it's back to shuttling to my parents' place during the day and back home to sleep.
The one thing that has gone to tatters is Sean's perfect sleeping habit. Before, Sean is able to just get into his bed and fall asleep by himself. Now, he wants me to cuddle him to sleep. And he would wake up in distress so often during the night, looking for me to carry him to sleep. Sigh. I wish for things to go back to before again.
So we're set to join Steve next Thursday. I am really really looking forward to joining Steve. I miss him so much over the last 3 weeks.
I just hope I can survive the 13 + 1 hour transit at Heathrow flight with Sean in tow.
June June go away.
July will be a much much better month yeah.